Water Feature – 1200mm Sphere With Jets


SKU 1200WaterJets Category


Originally created as a show stopper for our Chelsea Flower Show stand this water feature has a real impact! A 1200mm Carved Steel Sphere sits over 3 impressive foaming jets to create a real wow factor! The jets are connected to a recirculating pump which moves an impressive 25,000 litres per hour. Surrounding the jets is a set of multicolour LED lights to really bring the piece alive. Supplied as a stand-alone piece with a self-contained water container this is a surefire way to really bring your garden alive!

The water container is a 1200mm diameter tub, with a natural steel finish surround. on top sits a custom-made steel plate, which houses the jets and LEDs. Finally the bespoke drawn and cut steel sphere is placed above to frame the water and bring the piece to life.

The 1200mm steel sphere can be made to a custom design, using the same careful hand-drawn artwork and hand finishing to make a truly unique sphere. The leaf sphere works beautifully, but we have also made versions with a globe design and could do almost any design.

In its complete format this piece includes a ring around the outer edge for planting. We can also produce a version with a simpler steel surround or a piece to go above your own pool/pond.

The pump and LED unit require a 240V supply and the piece itself needs a solid flat surface.


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